Friday, July 13, 2012

Al Capone

I love bootleggers. Hell if I were born at the right time I would be the top mother fucking bootlegger! People would be like "Damn bitch! Get me some Beer!" and I would happily get them the mother fucking beer! Like oh shit here you go. I love beer...haha juuuuuuuuuuust kidding! I once had a roommate who would be like "dude Beer is like sex on the beach....DAMN CLOSE TO WATER!" I prefer the good shit! Shots up in this grill! Blah. Anyways Al Capone is fucking ligit. I tip my hat to this mofo! No joke. If I could sit down and have a conversation with Mr. Capone I would piss from being so excited. I imagine the first thing I would do is ask "Mr. Capone! How does it feel to be the most bad ass mother fucking gangster of all time?" and then of course he would have to say something along the lines of "Fucking Amazing!" I mean if I were alive in during Prohibition I would have def. been sure to be in the circle of Al Capone. Where else would I want to be? He is the one controlling the liqueur! Oh good old Al! You know the only thing I love more right now than good ol' Al is Youtube! I always find so many amazing people on youtube! Can't sleep? go to Youtube! Bored? go to Youtube! Want to spend an hour learning about Al Capone? Youtube that mofo! There I did it for you! so you dont even have to type it in! Lazy time! Mirror Break! haha! juuuuuuuust kidding I don't need a mirror to know I'm Sexy! Nope I even got my theme song: Sing this song all day and night (even do the wiggle!)! You know what other song I love:  Yeah Bitch! But I was recently informed that it couldn't be my theme song, because I'm not mustard! Lame Bitches! My mother told me I can be whatever I want to be! Like this mofo!

I would become Bruce Willis as well! Who Wouldn't! Speaking of walking away from bad ass explosions! November 12 is the official walk away like a badass holiday! so You all better light something up and then walk away. Like a badass. Just saying. Anyways if your still actually reading this blog...YAY FOR YOU! I wish I could afford to give you a prize for successfully getting through most of my random assed blog, that really had hardly anything to do with Al Capone (I know you all expected something educational and amazing) Oh goes on! My next blog with be all about HITLER (Who b.t.w. is still alive and chilling with Micheal Jackson and Osama Bin Laden) so I hope you all read it. I would like to officially end this blog by letting all you people who eat cereal for breakfast know...Your all cereal killers...I hope you can sleep at night!

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